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Bugs fixed in the build. Limited to 30.
closed#2609 When the label is position "Inside" and the TextBox has content and in RightToLeft mode the label is not aligned to the right.2.2.42
closed#2608 Sorting a few times a data-bound boolean column when the rows are virtual may cause an IndexOutOfRangeException.2.2.42
closed#2606 BarcodeReader throws exception when Disposed2.2.42
closed#2605 MonthCalendar cannot select a date range only in IE.2.2.42
closed#2604 Clicking on the column visibility menu in a DataGridView in a UserComboBox DropDown closes the drop down.2.2.42
closed#2603 AutoSize doesn't work in embedded controls (controls in a custom DropDown or a cell).2.2.42
closed#2601 Removing a frozen column doesn't clear the frozen flag and makes the next column frozen.2.2.42
closed#2597 TrackBar doesn't support RightToLeft mode.2.2.42
closed#2596 Double clicking on the scrollbar arrows may fire a double click on the control.2.2.42
closed#2595 MaskedTextBox shows a "missing label" error at design time when clicking on the quick actions task list.2.2.42
closed#2592 ComboBox doesn't reset the scrolling position of the dropdown list when the selected item is cleared.2.2.42
closed#2591 TreeView nodes are missing client-side ID attribute.2.2.42
closed#2587 Combox does not clear value if DropDownStyle is changed2.2.42
closed#2585 DataGridViewDateTimePickerColumn.DefaultCellStyle incorrectly sets the DataSourceNullValue to DateTime.MinValue. Should be DBNull.2.2.42
closed#2583 TabPage.ImageIndex and TabPage.ImageKey cannot use the parent TabControl.ImageList in the designer.2.2.42
closed#2581 When the ListView.FocusedItem is set programmatically it changes after a second user click.2.2.42
closed#2568 TextBox disabled state text is lighter on mobile devices than desktop.2.2.42

Breaking Changes

Fixes or enhancements that may break existing code.

New Features

New features included in the build. Limited to 30.