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Bugs fixed in the build. Limited to 30.
closed#1932 DomainUpDown disables the up button when refreshing the browser.2.0.32
closed#1931 NavigationBarItem.Click is not fired2.0.32
closed#1930 Closing a UserPopup prevents further validation and recognition of button clicks2.0.32
closed#1927 Typing a value not in the DataGridViewComboBoxCell Items list causes a FormatException.2.0.32
closed#1923 Color Editor in the designer does not show the correct system colors if overridden2.0.32
closed#1921 Application.Download changes spaces in filename to pluses2.0.32
closed#1918 PollingInterval is not always used as a fallback when WebSockets are blocked or closed2.0.32
closed#1917 Rightclicking on a DataGridView fires a duplicate MouseClick event2.0.32
closed#1914 Closing a modal dialog created using Application.Post() without using WebSocket may fail to update the client.2.0.32
closed#1913 Disposing a Dialog or Form while processing the Load event may still set it as the active form.2.0.32
closed#1911 The exception passed to Application.ThreadException is the InnerException losing the outer exception that may have been thrown by the app.2.0.32
closed#1906 Event handler added using the ClientEvents collection don't have the "e" argument.2.0.32
closed#1904 Adding a MenuItem at a specific index appends it to the bottom if the owner already has menu items.2.0.32
closed#1903 Updating the Name property of a control doesn't update the DOM element in the client until a refresh or update.2.0.32
closed#1902 ErrorProvider.Clear() removes the errors but doesn't update the client.2.0.32
closed#1899 Non modal form opened after a second modal that is hidden, will go under the first modal.2.0.32

Breaking Changes

Fixes or enhancements that may break existing code.

New Features

New features included in the build. Limited to 30.