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Bugs fixed in the build. Limited to 30.
closed#1856 Adding MDIChild that has a menu to container will make menu show in parent and not formatted correctly.2.0.22
closed#1853 Form.FormClosing is not fired when a control fails validation not allowing the app to override validation and close the form anyway.2.0.22
closed#1852 Creating a new MdiChild form when the active MdiChild has a control that fails validation activates the new MdiChild.2.0.22
closed#1851 Form.AutoValidate property set to EnableAllowFocusChange not allowing actions (closing of MDITab) when textbox invalidated and focused.wontfix2.0.22
closed#1849 Removing or hiding a MainMenu after a form has been created doesn't update the layout of its children and the MdiClient.2.0.22
closed#1848 Setting frozen columns on DataGridView already populated and with a focused cell causes a javascript error "isEditing" is not defined.2.0.22
closed#1846 Using Firefox, a DGV cell with a content that starts with % loses the focus when clicking on the first char to edit2.0.22
closed#1839 MouseClick is not fired for the right button.2.0.22
closed#1838 Sorting a DGV with VirtualMode = true raises an error.2.0.22
closed#1837 Clicking on a partially visible checkbox cell scrolls row into view but ignores the click2.0.22
closed#1836 A child control on a TabControl anchored to the bottom gets a wrong height when changed in the designer2.0.22
closed#1834 Checkbox.Checked and Radiobox.Checked don´t show an icon in Graphite-3 theme2.0.22
closed#1832 Controls hidden after they are created visible in a hidden parent in a visible parent may not get hidden on the client when the parent is shown.2.0.22
closed#1831 Assigning Form.AcceptButton or Form.CancelButton sets the buttons.DialogResult property to OK or Cancel. Should leave unchanged.2.0.22
closed#1830 Form.ActiveMdiChild keeps referencing the last child form after it has been closed.2.0.22
closed#1829 Using Call() or Eval() while being disposed on a control never made visible may throw the "ObjectDisposed" exception.2.0.22
closed#1827 Changing the font to a theme font without altering the size or style doesn't update the font size or style when loading a different theme.2.0.22
closed#1826 A readonly = false cell in a readonly column cannot be edited.2.0.22
closed#1825 Assigning an Icon to a MenuItem with Text="-" (separator) causes a "no such property: icon" error.2.0.22
closed#1824 Pressing Esc in a DataGridViewComboBoxCell after having selected an item doesn't restore the previous value.2.0.22
closed#1823 When a button is the AcceptButton or CancelButton, Enter and Esc don't close a ComboBox that is dropped down.2.0.22
closed#1822 AcceptButton and CancelButton that are not visible are executed.2.0.22
closed#1821 Shortcuts on menu items in a MainMenu that is not visible are executed.2.0.22
closed#1820 Shortcuts on menu items in a ContextMenu don't work.2.0.22
closed#1819 ShowLoader can be shown behind a floating window due to a wrong Z-Index2.0.22
closed#1818 The DataGridViewComboBoxColumn may duplicate the shared Items for each cell.2.0.22
closed#1811 When a web font is slow to load, some controls my show wrapped text or truncated content.2.0.22
closed#1810 AutoResizeColumns does not work for ListViews (in Detail Mode)2.0.22
closed#1809 Tabbing quickly across editable controls doesn't always set the focused control correctly.2.0.22
closed#1806 When an MdiContainer doesn't have the main menu and the MdiChild does, the TabMdiView is not sized correctly.2.0.22
closed#1805 Changing the drag cursor image using e.ImageSource hides the image until the pointer moves again.2.0.22
closed#1756 In IE11 the 2nd of 2 subsequent MessageBoxes does not get the focus2.0.22
closed#1490 WJ-9145 Moving a floating window on mobile may cause the page to overscroll.2.0.22

Breaking Changes

Fixes or enhancements that may break existing code.

New Features

New features included in the build. Limited to 30.