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Bugs fixed in the build. Limited to 30.
closed#1679 Setting color for ListViewItem ImageSource is not working1.5.36
closed#1678 Accordion Panel - Panel Order issues1.5.36
closed#1677 The MainMenu component inherits the font from the container - it should use the "menu" font in the theme.1.5.36
closed#1676 ThemeBuilder cuts Image names with dots1.5.36
closed#1675 ThemeBuilder asks to save a new file after switching from code view to the browser view.1.5.36
closed#1671 Using an arbitrary url ending with .wx returns a blank page instead of 404.1.5.36
closed#1670 Refreshing an application URL without a trailing slash fails to load Wisej.1.5.36
closed#1669 The HelpTip doesn't hide when the focused control is disabled.1.5.36
closed#1668 The StyleSheetExtender creates a blank stylesheet also when empty.1.5.36
closed#1665 The theme mixin template may generate the wrong name by adding a counter to the mixin extension.1.5.36
closed#1664 Setting RowSpan or ColSpan for a DataGridViewRow or DataGridViewColumn is not inherited by the cells.wontfix1.5.36
closed#1656 Wrapping non-async modal dialog or message box in a try/catch lets code execute in the catch when a session expires if the browser is closed with the modal on screen.1.5.36
closed#1654 Disposing a PropertyGrid with a SelectedObject not null, may generate a NullObjectReference exception.1.5.36
closed#1648 Controls that are made visible after the parent is created, don't update their child index on the client.1.5.36
closed#1644 Theme builder throws an exception in the "commands" tabs.1.5.36
closed#1643 Setting Form.MdiParent=null doesn't remove the TabPage from the tabbed Mdi parent.1.5.36
closed#1641 Application.Exit() with location.reload() on the client fail when using an application in a sub-folder.1.5.36
closed#1639 Setting AutoSize=true to a control in a FlexLayoutPanel at design time may display a property error.1.5.36
closed#1638 Dragging an overlapping control in the designer may draw also the overlapping content.1.5.36
closed#1637 Running with a Page or Desktop open in design mode causes an exception.1.5.36
closed#1636 In IE10 and IE11 moving the focus by tabbing to a non editable element keeps the caret on the previous editable input element.1.5.36
closed#1635 Clicking on a movable widgets inside a widget with a border causes the movable widget to jump by 1 pixel.1.5.36
closed#1634 When CheckAlign and TextAlign are both "TopCenter", "MiddleCenter" or "BottomCenter" the CheckBox or RadioButton are not rendered correctly.1.5.36
closed#1633 AutoEllipsis not working for RadioButtons and CheckBoxes1.5.36
closed#1632 Cells with DataGridViewCellStyle.RowSpan > 1 that cover cells in rows below, disappear when they are scrolled up.1.5.36
closed#1631 PdfViewer reloads the document when it is resized when the source is local or a stream.1.5.36
closed#1630 A breakpoint in the Form.Load event may cause a form or dialog to appear behind the current window.1.5.36
closed#1629 Cookies set using Application.Cookies in the Program.Main (or first entry point) are not send back to the client.1.5.36
closed#1627 Date values in browsers with older javascript support (i.e. Safari) may be shifted by the time zone of the browser.1.5.36
closed#1626 VS2017 with multiple projects may show the wrong image file path in the ImageSource image editor.1.5.36
closed#1623 Designing a custom control that is not a UserControl, may render the children twice in the designer.1.5.36
closed#1622 Using Visual Studio 2017, the file editor adds a leading slash when picking an image source from a project file.1.5.36
closed#1621 Controls enforce a MinimumSize or MaximumSize of 0 when the other property is not zero.1.5.36
closed#1620 At design time, typing two separators with no values in the Text property causes a JavaScript error in the Wisej.Web.TagTextBox control.1.5.36
closed#1616 The new FlexLayoutPanel calculates the children layout also including not-visible children.1.5.36
closed#1615 Wisej Panel (and subclasses) always set the background also when it's set to Empty preventing theme mixins from changing the background color.1.5.36
closed#1614 FlexLayoutPanel with padding applies the wrong layout to the children.1.5.36
closed#1612 Under certain circumstances a Label with AutoSize=true may generate a GDI+ error when measuring the size.1.5.36
closed#1453 WJ-9092 DataGridViewComboBoxColumn.DropDownStyle = Simple should automatically dropdown the combobox in a cell when entering edit mode.1.5.36

Breaking Changes

Fixes or enhancements that may break existing code.

New Features

New features included in the build. Limited to 30.