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Bugs fixed in the build. Limited to 30.
closed#1636 In IE10 and IE11 moving the focus by tabbing to a non editable element keeps the caret on the previous editable input element.1.5.29
closed#1635 Clicking on a movable widgets inside a widget with a border causes the movable widget to jump by 1 pixel.1.5.29
closed#1632 Cells with DataGridViewCellStyle.RowSpan > 1 that cover cells in rows below, disappear when they are scrolled up.1.5.29
closed#1631 PdfViewer reloads the document when it is resized when the source is local or a stream.1.5.29
closed#1630 A breakpoint in the Form.Load event may cause a form or dialog to appear behind the current window.1.5.29
closed#1629 Cookies set using Application.Cookies in the Program.Main (or first entry point) are not send back to the client.1.5.29
closed#1627 Date values in browsers with older javascript support (i.e. Safari) may be shifted by the time zone of the browser.1.5.29
closed#1626 VS2017 with multiple projects may show the wrong image file path in the ImageSource image editor.1.5.29
closed#1623 Designing a custom control that is not a UserControl, may render the children twice in the designer.1.5.29
closed#1622 Using Visual Studio 2017, the file editor adds a leading slash when picking an image source from a project file.1.5.29
closed#1621 Controls enforce a MinimumSize or MaximumSize of 0 when the other property is not zero.1.5.29
closed#1620 At design time, typing two separators with no values in the Text property causes a JavaScript error in the Wisej.Web.TagTextBox control.1.5.29
closed#1616 The new FlexLayoutPanel calculates the children layout also including not-visible children.1.5.29
closed#1615 Wisej Panel (and subclasses) always set the background also when it's set to Empty preventing theme mixins from changing the background color.1.5.29
closed#1614 FlexLayoutPanel with padding applies the wrong layout to the children.1.5.29

Breaking Changes

Fixes or enhancements that may break existing code.

New Features

New features included in the build. Limited to 30.