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Bugs fixed in the build. Limited to 30.
closed#2325 DGV CellClick and CellDoubleClick don't work when clicking white space around cell content.2.1.77
closed#2324 DataGridView AutoResizeRows includes height of hidden columns.2.1.77
closed#2323 The ImageEditor in the designer doesn't show theme icons relative to the baseUrl setting in the theme.2.1.77
closed#2321 Having parent rows and hiding the first column hides the hiearchy arrows too2.1.77
closed#2320 IndexOutOfRange exception with DataBinding and 0 visible columns2.1.77
closed#2319 DataGridView.CellEndEdit is not fired for checkbox cells.2.1.77
closed#2316 Adding a control with the focus to a parent doesn't update the container's ActiveControl.2.1.77
closed#2315 Clicking on a non-focusable control inside a DataRepeaterItem doesn't change the selected item.2.1.77
closed#2314 Clicking the header button of a DataRepeaterItem panel doesn't change the selected item.2.1.77
closed#2313 Fix ModernUI nuget package2.1.77
closed#2309 Bottom row in a DataGridView doesn't fully scroll into view in some cases.2.1.77
closed#2308 Control.WheelDelta, Control.MouseButtons, Control.ModifierKeys and Control.MouseButtons are not cleared when handling events in a modal dialog.2.1.77
closed#2307 Pressing PageUp or PageDown in a DataGridView doesn't work when the cell is in edit mode.2.1.77
closed#2303 ComboBox with DropDownStyle = Simple and Label with SizeType = AutoSize removes all spacing for DropDown.2.1.77
closed#2302 A "getLayoutParent()" error can occur in the Designer when a TreeView with VirtualScroll = true is in a custom control.2.1.77
closed#2301 Window focus events don't fire correctly when a window isn't active2.1.77
closed#2297 Calling ListView.Items.Clear(true) with UserControl in ListViewSubItem throws exception "object reference not set to an instance of an object"2.1.77

Breaking Changes

Fixes or enhancements that may break existing code.

New Features

New features included in the build. Limited to 30.