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Bugs fixed in the build. Limited to 30.
closed#2235 Label AutoSize: labels get cut off when using Firefox and Chrome for certain fonts2.1.58
closed#2234 Pressing "enter" in a multiline TextBox UserControl as a PropertyGrid editor closes the editor2.1.58
closed#2231 Closing a modal dialog doesn't close the owned forms automatically.2.1.58
closed#2230 A modal dialog can't get activated if there is a TopMost floating form.2.1.58
closed#2228 Opening a ListViewComboBox within a ListView throws "Invisible or disabled control cannot be activated"2.1.58
closed#2227 Label wrapper does not serialize localized text correctly,2.1.58
closed#2226 In a FileDialog changing the FileName has no effect if no path is selected2.1.58
closed#2220 RowValidating doesn't fire when the DataGridView loses the focus while in edit mode.2.1.58
closed#2217 AutoResizeColumn(s) does not consider MinimumWidth for the cells2.1.58
closed#2216 Removing the selected TreeNode from the TreeView doesn't update the SelectedNode.2.1.58
closed#2212 using DataGridView[column, rowIndex] may return the wrong cell when multiple DataGridViewColumns have the same name.2.1.58
closed#2211 Upload Control textfield not white by default2.1.58
closed#2210 Deleting a record from a data source may not update the DataRepeater under certain circumstances.2.1.58
closed#2209 When the ComboBox is DropDownList and items contain invalid HTML, the selected item may not show.2.1.58
closed#2208 Form.AcceptButton and Form.CancelButton don't work when the form is a child control.2.1.58
closed#2207 When DataGridView.KeepSameRowHeight is true, the DefaultRowHeight value and the rows height is not updated.2.1.58
closed#2205 Clearing a CheckedListBox and adding the same values does not render the checked state correctly2.1.58
closed#2202 UserComboBox with UserControl instance inside hidden panel won't show UserControl when panel visibility changes2.1.58
closed#2201 Setting DataGridViewColumn.Frozen = true when there are invisible columns before the frozen column freezes too many columns.2.1.58
closed#2199 Editing controls with a Label and ResizableEdges shrink vertically without user action.2.1.58
closed#2198 DataGridView fires KeyDown/KeyUp events when editing a cell.2.1.58
closed#2196 Form.AutoSizeMode is incorrectly set to default to GrowAndShrink.2.1.58
closed#2194 Themes Clear-1 to Clear-3 don’t show window border in inactive form2.1.58
closed#2189 TabControl SelectTab(), SelectedIndex, SelectedTab won't select a TabPage at index 02.1.58
closed#2188 TextBox Label.Position Textbox Multiline padding displace input text when alternate with label position2.1.58
closed#2187 Custom column editors don't update their server-side size when the column is resized while editing.2.1.58
closed#2186 Updating properties of DataGridView.DefaultCellStyle after the table is created doesn't always update the client.2.1.58
closed#2185 CKEditor is not loaded at runtime2.1.58
closed#2182 Graphite-3 theme does not show menu item icons2.1.58
closed#2181 Removing a TreeView node should not detach its child nodes2.1.58
closed#2180 NavigationBar and Toolbar Click event dont get values from DateTimePicker and NumericUpDown2.1.58
closed#2178 Using a TextBox within a UserControl within a UserComboBox doesn't always fire TextChanged and KeyDown events2.1.58
closed#2160 TabControl tabpage collection index 0 does not always hide or show the controls contained2.1.58

Breaking Changes

Fixes or enhancements that may break existing code.

New Features

New features included in the build. Limited to 30.