Microsoft Build 2024

Ice Tea Group sponsored and hosted a session as a “Featured Partner” at Microsoft’s annual Build conference in Seattle, Washington, this week. The conference, known for being a key event for developers and tech enthusiasts, covered a range of topics, primarily focusing on AI. Developers were able to listen to keynotes from speakers like Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, and attend a number of hands-on labs and sessions led by industry leaders, offering insights into the latest developments and innovations in AI and other cutting-edge technologies.

We met with numerous prospective and existing Wisej.NET customers, discussing how Wisej.NET can be utilized to integrate AI into business applications in real-world scenarios. We’re looking forward to sharing these ideas with all of you!

If you didn’t get a chance to watch Thomas and Levie’s session at Build 2024, you can find it at this link.

A special thanks to our customers who attended the conference; we enjoy working with you all!
